冰与火之歌和将至的凛冬…第一集就已经如此丰富振奋人心比狗尾续貂的第八季优秀太多一直拍下去/有赵婷那般荒野美感…11还是这么萌/第四集:国王原来没有那么软弱无知雷妮拉原来没有那么单纯被动奥托原来也没有那么神通广大……人物具有了灵魂而故事也由此精彩地展开/第七集televisión a su cumbre/第八集 viserys, first of his name, king of the seven kingdoms, father of the daughter/第九集:绿党篡权公主公主/很久没有如此沉浸的追剧体验了关于结局和人物我可以接受
最后一集金句频出这强烈的共鸣感证明我是中年人了吗…… Contentment breeds quiet, which breeds complacency, which breeds unrest. Her marriage was a witness to all of her other failures, like a comorbidity to how she was just getting old. Her marriage is not perfect, but it's not like her being not married is ever gonna make her young again. Nothing could make her unmake the choices that she made. She just didn't know that when she was making the choices that they were gonna limit her other choices that she could make in the future. How can you live when you used to have unlimited choices and you don't have them anymore?
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